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Preston Chess Congress

The 2023 Congress?

The university have informed us that it will cost us 3 times as much to higher a venue as it used to. It is therefore not viable, so we won't be running a congress this year.

There might be a bookstall provided by Chess Direct


Entry form available here:Entry Form.pdf.
You can Enter Online and see a list of Entrants.


Links to will be here. Not sure yet how often we will be able to update this.

Open Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5
Major Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5
Minor Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5
Standard Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5


This year the Holiday Inn Preston which is the closest hotel to the venue is offering a special rate for the congress call 01772 567071 - quote CHESS 2019, or book online You can also contact Kelsey Thackeray
Group Reservations Co-Ordinator Direct Line: 01772 567020 to ensure that you get the discount rate of £72.00 per room, per night on a bed and breakfast

Holiday Inn Preston is ideally located on the City Centre Ringway, opposite the Iconic Preston bus station. Preston railway station, a West Coast Mainline station is just under a mile from the hotel and major motorway junctions (M6, M61, M65 & M55) are within 2 miles.

133 en-suite air-conditioned bedrooms many with city views

Premium bedding with a choice of pillows to guarantee a ‘Good Night’s Sleep’

Free Wi-Fi in all bedrooms & throughout the hotel

High speed internet access in all-guest rooms

Gym facilities

Limited Free Parking

Call 01772 567071 to book & quote CHESS 2019 or book online

There are other accommodation details on

Reports on previous congresses

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