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Online Purchase

In order to complete an online purchase, you will be taken through the following steps:
  1. Decide what to buy (see below for options)
  2. Pick your ECF grading code (if you have one)
  3. Select product details, then click "Add to Cart", to add it to your shopping basket.
  4. Checkout - click "Checkout" and then fill in billing address.
  5. Pay - via paypal (see notes below)
To buy more than one thing at once, you may cycle through steps 1 to 3 as many times as you want.

Step 1 - Decide what to buy

  • Preston Chess Congress 2009
  • Northern Membership Scheme
  • Important Notes

    After filling in your details on this web site, you will be taken to the Pay Pal website to collect your payment details. Pay Pal is an internationally recognized system for collecting payments and is used by Ebay. Note: Ordering online adds 3.4% and 20p to the price. This is because paypal charge us to process the transaction why?

    Preston congress cannot accept liability for any losses that occur as a result of using Pay Pal, but if we have received your entry fee into our account in error then we will refund it.

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