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Preston Club Championship 2011-2012

Format for this year, as discussed at the AGM, will be to put people into two seeded groups.

Seeding will be based on the ECF Grade for the Summer Grading list.

Seed 1 will go into Group A, Seed 2 into Group B, Seed 3 into Group A and so on.

The groups will be an all play-all, and the winner of each group will go forward to a one match play-off to decide the champion. Please can you let me know if you wish to be entered into this year's tournament, by the End of July 2011 please.

Best wishes and regards,
Carl Tillotson


Entries Thus Far

Bob Taylor
Gordon Glover
Frank Tanner
Geoff Pennington
Malcolm Peacock
Phil Taylor
Andrew De Santos
David Tuke
Chris Fielding
Rob Hanson
Carl Tillotson



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