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Consitution Proposal - First Draft

Members will recall that we agreed to publish a copy of the proposed constitution for membership consideration. Some members complained that there were unable to open the document that was posted previously.

Details of the proposed document follow. Please note, that this is a proposal for discussion. Nothing is set in stone. Members are invited to add comments and make suggestions for the committee to review.

The committee will meet and consider the proposals, and form a view of a proposal to take to the next AGM for adoption. At which point the AGM will discuss and either approve or reject as it sees fit.

Members can use the COMMENTS section for the story to add comments or can send their comments to the Secretary via e-mail at

Please note, that the formatting will not work well on the website, a PDF copy of the proposal can be requested by sending an e-mail to the address above.



The name of the club shall be Preston Chess Club (referred to below as ‘the Club’).


a.To encourage the playing of chess in the Preston area and surrounding regions in general, irrespective of race, gender, disability or age
b.To enter teams in leagues and tournaments to provide sufficient opportunities for competitive chess for all members
c.To organise competitions between members of the Club


The Club shall affiliate to such bodies as are necessary to pursue its aims. The Club is not affiliated with Preston Chess Congress which is a separate entity.


a.Membership is open to anyone on payment of the annual subscription.
b.Membership categories shall be determined by a general meeting.
c.All categories of membership have equal voting rights at general meetings.
d.Membership may be suspended or terminated by the committee if a member acts against the interests of the Club.


a.Members shall pay annual subscriptions of an amount determined by the Club at its Annual General Meeting.
b.Annual subscriptions shall be paid on or before 31st August.
c.The membership year runs from 1st September to the 31st August to coincide with the English Chess Federation membership


a.The committee shall be responsible for conducting the internal and external affairs of the Club in accordance with the constitution.
b.The committee shall consist of: (i) President, (ii) Secretary, (iii) Treasurer and (iv) the team captains, all of whom shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting.
c.The position of team captain may be held simultaneously with any other committee post.
d.Committee meetings may be called by the President, Secretary or Treasurer, or by any two other members of the committee.
e.Three committee members shall constitute a quorum.
f.The Chair at all committee meetings shall be taken by the President or, in the President’s absence, the meeting shall appoint a chairperson for that meeting only.
g.Each member of the committee present at a meeting shall have one vote. In the event of a tie, the chairperson shall have an additional or casting vote.
h.The committee shall be authorised to disburse club funds, on behalf of the Club, for any purpose it deems necessary.
i.The committee shall have the power to co-opt members to fill any casual vacancy which may arise, the co-opted member to serve for the remainder of the predecessor’s term.
j.Each committee member will serve for a term of one year. One year in this context shall be the period from one Annual General Meeting to the next.

7.Other officers

The committee may appoint other officers as it sees fit to oversee specific activities of the Club.

8.Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting of the Club shall be held at the end of June or thereabouts each year, to:
a.Approve the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting and deal with any business arising therefrom
b.Receive reports by the President, Secretary, Treasurer and team captains.
c.Elect the committee members for the following year
d.Fix the amount of the annual subscription and membership categories.
e.Transact any further business

9.Extraordinary General Meeting

An Extraordinary General Meeting shall be convened on a resolution of the committee or on a requisition signed by at least five members of the Club. Such requisition shall specify the business to be conducted and the Extraordinary General Meeting shall be held within one calendar month from the date of receipt of the requisition by the Secretary.

10.General meeting procedures

a.The chair at all general meetings shall be taken by the President or, in the President’s absence, the meeting shall appoint a chairperson for that meeting only.
b.Five members or 25% of the membership, whichever is smaller, shall constitute a quorum at general meetings.
c.At any general meeting, each member attending, shall have one vote. In the event of a tie, the chairperson shall have an additional or casting vote.
d.At least 14 days’ notice shall be given, via post or email, and on the Club’s web site, of all general meetings of the Club. The notice shall specify the time, date and venue of the meeting and, for an Extraordinary General Meeting, the business to be conducted.

11.Privacy and Data Protection

a.The Club takes seriously the privacy of its membership and shall only collect and process data in pursuance of the aims of the Club as outline in Section 2 above.
b.The Club maintains a record of its membership, along with contact details of each member as outlined within the Club Privacy Policy.
c.A copy of the Club Privacy Policy is maintained on the Club’s website.


a.Whilst its primary function is to promote chess, Preston Chess Club is fully committed to safeguarding the welfare of all children, young people and vulnerable adults.
b.It recognises its responsibility to take all reasonable step to promote a safe environment and to protect children from harm, abuse and exploitation.
c.The club committee will endeavour to work together to encourage the development of an ethos which embraces difference and diversity, respects the rights of children, young people and adults.
d.All club members have a responsibility to maintain the aims of the chess club and to help maintain a safe and secure environment for all club members and visitors to the chess club

13.Amendments to the constitution

The constitution may be amended on a two-thirds majority vote of the members present at any general meeting of the club.

14.Dissolution of the club

a.The club may be dissolved by a three-quarters majority vote at a general meeting at which 50% or more of the membership is present.
b.On payment of any outstanding debts, the club’s remaining funds and assets, if any, shall be donated to an organisation that promotes junior chess in the North West of England, or, failing that, to an organisation that promotes junior chess in England. The beneficiary may not be an organisation of which a club member is also an officer.

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