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Preston Chess Congress 2012

Prestons 25th Chess Congress took place from Friday 16th November 2012, to Sunday 18th November. It was a five round swiss system tournament with 4 sections depending on playing strength. The first congress at our new venue at The University Of Central Lancashire (uclan) Harrington Refectory. 155 players took part.

Team Prize


David Newhouse OPEN

D.B.Lund (Preston) 4/5 1st=
D.Kolbus (Isle Of Man) 4/5 1st=
J.Burnett (Doncaster) 3.5/5 3rd=
M.Surtees (Bolton) 3.5/5 3rd=
O.Jackson (Cheshire) 3.5/5 3rd=
R.Newton (Rochdale) 3.5/5 3rd=
L.Boumphry (Atticus) 3.5/5 3rd=


D.Parri (Caernarfon) 4.5/5 1st
R Hanson (Preston) 4/5 2nd=
M Parker (Poulton) 4/5 2nd=

Eric Downham MINOR U145

Kenny Quinn (Preston) 4.5/5 1st
Jon Blackburn (Holmes Chapel) 4/5 2nd=
Anthony Roberts (Wallasey) 4/5 2nd=
T.S.Allen (Battersea) 4/5 2nd=


Ian Williamson (Great Harwood) 4/5 1st
Thomas Webb (Atticus) 4/5 1st
Dennis Davies (Lytham) 4/5 1st

Lancashire Championships

  • Lancashire Champion - Brett Lund (Preston)
  • Lancashire Major Champion - Rob Hanson, Michael Parker
  • Lancashire Intermediate Champion - Kenny Quinn
  • Lancashire Minor Champion - Dennis Davis

Full Cross tables will be available here:

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