The area covered by this League includes the Blackpool, Lytham, Fleetwood, and Preston, Lancaster and Morecambe. Unfortunately the number of players in this league has dropped off in recent years, although it remains very well organised. Preston have 2 teams in division one of the Blackpool and Fylde League, and one team in division 2. Teams play each other twice per season, once home and once away. Home matches are played on Wednesdays at the Unicorn, and away matches are played at the away teams venue.
In recent years Preston first team have won this league many times.
The Central Lancashire League currently includes teams such as Preston, Chorley, Leyland, Heywood, Rochdale, Blackburn. This league operates a grading limit which means the teams average grade must be 160 or below in the first division. Teams play each other home and away. Currently Preston have one team in division 1 and one team in division 2. In previous years, Preston have won this league, but last year it was won by heywood.
Here is an example game played in the league.
In recent years Preston has entered 2 teams in the NCCU (Northern Counties Chess Union) clubs knockout tournament. This is open to clubs from all over the northern counties: Yorkshire, Cheshire, Cumbria, Northumbria, Lancashire, Merseyside. One team played in the minor section (average team grade of 125). This team has won the competition in the past. One team played in the open section (no grading limit, and has also won the competition.
The Lancashire Clubs knockout used to be played as part of the blackpool chess festival at the Hilton Hotel. Preston are the current holders of this trophy, although it has not been contested for the last few years.
There is an internal individual competition every year, open to all members, to decide the overall club champion.
In addition to the internal and league competition, some players take part in individual competitions, which take place at the weekends. These normally consist of about 5, 4 hour games over the course of a whole weekend, and are called weekend congresses. Players are usually divided into a number of sections, according to playing strength. The sections are usually run under the swiss system, which means that all players play in all 5 games, but winners are paired against each other.
The lancashire championship is usually contested at one of the local tournaments. Prestons Brett Lund has been Lancashire champion, many times in the last few years.
A few years ago a group of Preston players attended a tournament in Utrecht, Holland.
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