Preston Chess Club

Preston Chess club meet at Jalgos each Wednesday evening at 7:30pm. For full details of our Activities and Meetings see this page. We have teams in The Blackpool and Fylde League and The Central Lancashire League. Each year, in November we organise Preston Chess Congress.

No Chess Club on Wednesday December 4th

Jalgos is closed on Wednesday so there will be no chess club. We will find out on Sunday if it is staying open or not, so I will post an update here when we know more.

Annual General Meeting - July 24th 19:45

Notice that the next Annual General Meeting will be on WEDNESDAY 24th JULY starting promptly at 19:45.


1) Apologies for Absence
2) Minutes of Last Meeting, matters arising
3) Chairman's Report (Alan)
4) Secretary's Report (Carl)
5) Treasurer's Report, subs for next year (Conor)
6) Congress Update (Conor, Malcolm)
7) Team Captain's Reports
8) Election of Officers
9) Number of Teams for next season
10) Club Championship
11) Any Other Business

Christmas Blitz 2023

Hi Everyone,

Plan to hold the Christmas Blitz again, it will be on Wednesday 20th December.

As per usual we will do 5 rounds of 8-2 with Swiss pairings.

Please let me know via e-mail if coming along, I can then add the pairings in advance.


Notice of AGM: August 9th 7:45pm Start

Please be advised that the Annual General Meeting of Preston Chess Club will take place on Wednesday 9th August.

Should any member wish to add an item to the agenda, please ensure I am advised by Wednesday 2nd August so I can circulate to all members.

Draft Agenda:

Preston Chess club summer blitz results

The results of the summer blitz are now in the rating system:

Summer Blitz - 19th July

Following on from the success of the Christmas Blitz, we will be holding an end of season Summer Blitz on WEDNESDAY 19th JULY.

If interested, please respond via the link Yes Enter Me, I can then prepare the Swiss tournament ahead of the evening so we can start on time.

We will take entries on the night, it will just slow things down a little.

With this in mind. Start time will be 19:45.

Time control will be 8 minutes with 2 second increments.

Hopefully see you all there.

Results of the Preston Chess Club Christmas Blitz

Results of the Preston Chess club Christmas blitz.

Preston Chess Club Events

Hi Everyone,
Hope everyone is well. As we get ready to start the new season, I am asking for registrations for some events we are planning for this season.

1) Standardplay Club Championship
2) Rapidplay Club Championship
3) Monthly (Alternate) Blitz Tournament

Form is self-explanatory, if people could use the form to register it allows me to collect all the information in one place and avoids missed e-mails.

You can access the form at this link:

Events Registration Form.


The proposed constitution is here in case the email link did not work


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