Blackpool and Fylde league

AGM - September 12th

Silver Queen blitz tournament - September 19th

Club Championship

Final Cross Table.

Winner 5/5 Malcolm Peacock.

PDF attached.

AGM Wednesday July 3rd

The chess club AGM will be on Wednesday July 3rd

Club night changing to Wednesday

From the start of July, the club night is changing to Wednesday

Bag containing clothes left behind at congress

There was a sainsbury's carrier bag containing a grey addidas hoody top with red trim and 2 blank score sheets folded up small.

Preston Chess Congress 2012

Prestons 25th Chess Congress took place from Friday 16th November 2012, to Sunday 18th November. It was a five round swiss system tournament with 4 sections depending on playing strength. The first congress at our new venue at The University Of Central Lancashire (uclan) Harrington Refectory. 155 players took part.

Club Championship 2012-13 - Round 1 Pairings

Round: 1

1 Peacock, Malcolm R...... 198  ..... Quinn, Kenny............ 144B

2 Tillotson, Carl A....... 140B ..... Taylor, Phillip J....... 177A

3 Taylor, Robert K........ 172X ..... Fielding, Christopher... 125B

4 Glover, Gordon L........ 115X ..... Hanson, Robert.......... 153B

5 Pennington, Geoffrey.... 152B ..... De Santos, Andrew R..... 112X

Congress entry form now available

Congress entry form now available

Congress venue confirmed

The new congress venue, Harrington Refectory at UCLAN is confirmed. Entry form available soon.

Lund v Hague


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