Summer Blitz - August 22nd

A summer Blitz tournament will be held on Wednesday 22nd August.

There will be 9 rounds of 5-minute blitz. All good fun, a great night out and a bit of chess fun.

Peter Jowett is the current Christmas Blitz champion, will he be crowned the Summer Blitz King! Or is there someone else waiting in the wings!

Ideally, let me know in advance if you wish to enter. I can add you in on the night, but it delays the draw a little.

Prompt Start at 7:45 pm! There will be a short break between Rounds 5 and 6.

Chess Club AGM - Wednesday July 11th

The Chess Club Annual General Meeting will take place on Wednesday July 11th. It will include such exciting things as reports on this years successes and plans for what teams to enter for next year.

Christmas Blitz 2017

A great turnout for the Christmas Blitz, with 19 players entered.

Alas, due to the odd number of players, it did mean some players having to take a full point bye. That aside, it was a great tournament and with so many new faces it turned out to be quite a fun night out.

We were supported by 5 players from Crusaders, which makes the tournament a little more interesting as there are players we would not normally play on club nights. If people think we should extend this to Leyland / Chorley next year please let us know.

Christmas and New Year

There will be no chess club on Wednesday November 27th.
Next meeting will be January 3rd 2018.

Christmas Blitz Tournament - December 20th 7:30pm

All welcome.

Happy New Year

Chess will be starting again on January 4th. Links to club tournaments now available on the web site:

Christmas Blitz 2016

Peter Jowett is the 2016 Christmas Blitz Champion

New Venue - Wednesdays at The Ale Emporium

Wednesday evenings, using the upstairs room at the Ale Emporium (PR1 2XQ, formerly the Bitter Suite) which is on Fylde Road opposite the student union and kind of set back and behind the Mad Ferret.

It is possible to park right outside although difficult to get into. Also there is free on-road parking nearby on Kirkham Street after 6pm, or Maudland Road.

Chess Club AGM - Thursday July 16th

7:30pm Stanley Arms

Thursday April 2nd

Club night at The Stanley Arms


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