Preston AGM

Notice to everyone, that we intend to hold an AGM this year, now that we seem to be over the worst of COVID-19 and a lot of chess activities are slowly getting back to normal.

The plan is to hold the AGM sometime in July, so can I ask all members to update their membership contact details via your profile / account page.

This will allow me to send you the AGM papers directly and also elicit any comments / feedback for the AGM agenda.

Thank you.

Blackpool Chess congress

The entry form for Blackpool Chess congress is:

League matches and club championship taking place.

The Chess club is fully open now with

League matches:

Club championship

casual chess each Wednesday

Club Championship 2021/22

Hi Everyone,

Have been approached by some players to setup a club championship this season now that it looks like some sense of normality (for some people at least) has returned and over the board chess is taking place at the club.

Whilst there appears to be not much chance of many league chess matches this season, it makes sense that we run an accelerated club championship.

Firstly, I want to gauge opinion on how many takers we have, and your thoughts to the following questions.

Lancaster outdoor tournament

There is an outdoor chess tournament in Lancaster September 5th, closing date for entries August 29th.
see here for details

Playing in person again ...

So, Jalgos is open, and we are legally allowed to play over the board again. A few of us will be going down unofficially and playing again Wednesdays 7:30pm

4NCL Online Week 4

Come and join us on Lichess and support the team from the sidelines!

We need all the help we can get. The league is tough, we have yet to get off the mark. We are in Division 3.

You can check the pairings from 6:30pm. Once the matches get underway, you can join as an observer by clicking the game link. The game links should appear from 7:30pm.

4NCL Division 3 Week 4

There is also a web conference meeting room set up, it will be on Jitsi.

Preston Chess Club online

Tonight (Wednesday April 8th) we will be on
Just sign up on there and find Preston chess club on there:

The first Preston v Lytham online match

Wednesday April 1st (april fools day), we (Preston) tried to play a 6 board match against Lytham. We each created a chess club on and all signed up. It seemed that the option of creating a match between us only worked on slow 1 move a day time limits, so we just got people to challenge the other person to a game. Sending out the board order will in advance would have helped a lot with this! We had 4 players from each side in a Zoom video conference, and we played one 15 minutes game, and one 30 minutes game against each player. Just a practice to understand the technology.


During lock down we are going online on on Wednesdays at 7:30pm instead where there is a Preston Chess club. We will be on there this Wednesday April 3rd

Possibly we may try out lichess on another day.


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